
Canopy: Evergreen

Created by Weird City Games

Grow a bountiful forest in this beautiful standalone game of card drafting and set collection based in the Pacific Northwest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Seasons Unlocked and Unknown Species
12 months ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 11:34:35 AM

Hi Canopy Colleague!

Thanks to everyone who has joined our campaign this week. We are steadily climbing and have now unlocked our 6th Stretch Goal: Shifting Seasons! We’ll give you a sneak peak at those and invite you to suggest ideas for our newest Mystery Wildlife Stretch Goal!

Shifting Seasons

We are excited for this stretch goal as the Shifting Season cards add variety to each game. Even a slight change in rules can shift the value of the cards you are drafting and make you reconsider which pile is worth keeping, Check out what the new seasons will bring!

Mystery Species

Our next stretch goal will unlock the 2nd Backer created species! For those just joining us we invite you all to suggest any non-mammal, non-marine species found in the Pacific Northwest that you think would make a great addition to the game. Feel free to advocate for certain animals and share why you think they would be a great addition to the game.

I’ve pared down the suggestions from our 1st backer created species to fit the new criteria, but post any ideas for other animals you would like to see added to the game in the main Kickstarter comments section here. On Monday, we’ll post a poll where you can vote on your favorite three animals. Current wildlife list:

  • Bumble Bee
  • Ant
  • Snow Bunting
  • Garter Snake
  • Western Painted turtle
  • Belted kingfisher
  • Pacific Tree Frog
  • Northwestern Salamander
  • Western Pond Turtle
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Hooded Merganser
  • Marbled Murrelet

Have a great weekend and we'll be back here on Monday with more news from the forest and the wildlife poll!

Thank you!

Tim and the Weird Citizens

Changing Seasons
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 11:16:21 AM

Greetings Forest Friend,

In the northern hemisphere fall has started, and here in Portland it went from sunshine to rain overnight and hasn’t looked back. While we miss the sun, we’re excited for cozy boardgame nights with tea and friends and sweaters. As the seasons change we adapt and shift to fit them, and that is exactly what our next Stretch Goal will require. 

Shifting Seasons on the Horizon

Our next stretch goal is at $77,000 and will unlock 5 Shifting Seasons cards. This advanced variant, will be included in all copies of the game, adding variety to each season. When playing with the Shifting Seasons, you reveal one card at the start of each Season. The cards have an effect that changes the game for both players. Some Shifting Seasons change or add scoring conditions, others allow extra draws or food collection. We are excited for this stretch goal as the Shifting Season cards create a new and varied experience each game. 

River Otter is a Playful Mimic

Thank you all for contributing your votes for which ability the River Otter should have. The Playful Mimic was the favorite by a long shot, and we look forward to all the shenanigans this cuddly creature will bring to the game, as it copies the abilities of other wildlife. Vincent is already working on the illustration and we should have some artwork of the River Otter to share in early October.

Storage Solution Unlocked

We are really excited that we’ve now unlocked the tuckbox storage solution and will be adding these great organizers to the game. I don’t think we can really communicate how much these will add to the game, and we can’t wait for you to open the game and experience it for yourself. 

Thanks you for being part of our forest!

Tim and the Weird Citizens