
Canopy: Evergreen

Created by Weird City Games

Grow a bountiful forest in this beautiful standalone game of card drafting and set collection based in the Pacific Northwest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Mighty Forest!!!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 04:07:29 PM

Thank you!!!

WOW! Thank you all for making Canopy: Evergreen a reality! We are making this game. The idea has been germinating for quite a few years and we are so excited to bring it to life and onto your tables! Thank each and every one of the 2,322 of you for making this Kickstarter such a joyful, good spirited and interactive campaign. We really appreciated you helping us choose new wildlife to bring into the game and all of your suggestions during the campaign. 

Thanks from these crazed game design!

What's Next?

We are going to take the weekend to catch up on some sleep, but we'll be back next week with our step by step plan to get Canopy: Evergreen produced and onto your tables. In about two weeks the pledge manager will open on Backerkit where you can finalize your pledge. (the pledge manager is different than the pre-order store which is open now for folks who missed out on the campaign). We'll send an email and post an update when the pledge manager is open so just hold tight until you hear from us.

A huge thank you from all of us here at Weird City Games for making this campaign so successful and for helping us create board games! We are truly honored by your support and trust and we can't wait to see forests growing on all of your gaming tables!

Tim and the Weird Citizens

King of the Forest
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:32:00 AM

Hello Canopy Collaborator!

The excitement and energy of the final days of a Kickstarter are always so wonderful. We're thrilled that so many new folks are finding out about the campaign and we are so happy to be one step closer to making Canopy: Evergreen a reality. 

Olympic Elk

Earlier this morning we cruised past our final stretch goal and can now announce the last Wildlife to join our forest will be the mighty Olympic Elk (also known as the Roosevelt Elk). These majestic herbivores are the literal movers and shakers of the rainforests, eating a vast amount of greenery and transforming the landscape. 

In the game, the Olympic Elk will help you to find exactly what you need for your forest as it roots through the undergrowth, and rearranges what cards will go into each pile.

We've got a little over 5 hours left in the campaign so there is still time to share the campaign with folks who you think might be interested! 

Thank you!

Tim and The Weird Citizens

Treetop Boogie
about 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 10:21:56 AM

Hello Canopy Friend!

With a little over 1 day left in the campaign we are thrilled to have so many new friends join our campaign. We've got two final Stretch Goals to announce and are excited to see how high we will climb in these last hours of the campaign. 

Tallest Tree Token Upgrades

At $110,000 we will be upgrading the Tallest Tree Award tokens. Based on playtester feedback we realized the Tallest Tree tokens were hard for other players to see from across the table. So we asked Vincent to create a special marker that could be placed high on the tree tops. He created these lovely osprey nest tokens that will slot in at the top of the trees so the tallest trees are easily seen by all players.

King of the Forest

Our final stretch goal will bring this mighty animal into our forest. Once we reach the funding goal we'll reveal more details about this wildlife and what effect it will have on the forest ecosystem. 

Tree Details

We so excited about all the little details that Vincent added to the 3D tree tokens. Here is a quick peek at a few of them. It is going to be so fun to grow these trees with all these different elements!

We are so very thankful to all of you for joining us on campaign and helping bring Canopy: Evergreen to life. We love this game and cannot wait to get it made and shipped and onto all of your tables.

Tim and the Weird Citizens

To the Tree Tops
about 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:55:52 AM

Hello Canopy Comrade!

With less than 3 days left in the campaign we are excited to be nearing $100,000 in funding. We are so thankful to the 1700+ backers for helping us make this game a reality. We’ve got a few more stretch goals we’ll be working towards as we enter the home stretch.

Bumble Bee Buzzes In

One of our favorite parts of making games is working with fantastic artists who bring the world of the game to life. Vincent Dutrait is one of the best in our opinion and whenever he shares new art for a game it is like receiving a magnificent present. Today we woke up to an email containing this lovely bumble bee illustration.

Unique Tree Elements and Tallest Tree Marker

At $100,000 in funding our forests will get a big makeover. Vincent Dutrait has added many unique details so that each tree you grow will be distinct. We love the many tiny details that show up in boardgames and were thrilled to add variety to the forests. We’ll show off these new tree elements once the goal is reached. 

Shifting Seasons Round 2

Our next stretch goal at $105,000 will be 5 additional Shifting Season’s card. The additional Shifting Seasons will add even more variety to this advanced variant. When playing with the Shifting Seasons, you reveal one card at the start of each Season. The cards have an effect that changes the game for both players. Some Shifting Seasons change or add scoring conditions, others allow extra draws or food collection.

Solo Mode

Throughout the campaign we’ve been busy testing and refining the Solo mode and today we are happy to reveal the draft rulebook for The Fox Spirit Solo Mode for Canopy: Evergreen. In the solo mode, you will play against the Fox spirit who is tricky and has an eye out for threats. The Fox Spirit is a fully functional simulated opponent that will keep you on your toes throughout the game.

Check Out the Draft Solo Rulebook Here

We are nearing the 48 hour mark for the campaign and are excited to see how large our forest will grow! Thank you for spreading the word and sharing the campaign with your friends who love boardgames. 

Tim and the Weird Citizens

🐝 Buzzing into the Final Week
about 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 10:25:33 AM

Greetings Evergreeners!

Thank you all for being along for this exciting Kickstarter journey. As we enter the final week, we are grateful for both our long-standing supporters and those who have recently joined us. We really appreciate all the feedback, notes and ideas you have shared.

Bumble Bee is Sweet as Nectar

The Bumble Bee ability poll is complete and we are happy to share the NEW ABILITY that was selected by you all will be:

Nectar: Place the Bumble bee token on a pile. If another player keeps that pile, you may give them 2 food to gain a card of your choice from it.

This was originally called “Honey” but a helpful backer pointed out that this species doesn’t make honey, so we rethemed it to nectar. The Bumble Bee will be the 5th Guardian wildlife making for more variety in the start of game and more shenanigans and interesting choices when protecting and choosing piles. Vincent is hard at work on the Bumble Bee illustration so we should be able to share that with you before the end of the campaign!

Nurse Logs Unlocked

Over the weekend we cruised past $90,000 in funding which unlocked the Nurse Log cards. These cards boost your tree growing by allowing you to add two trunks to an existing tree, or start a new tree. Not only do these make the competition for the tallest tree more tense, it also pushes players to always have a new tree growing so they can take advantage of that height boost. We love seeing nurse logs while hiking around Portland and we are so happy to add them to Canopy: Evergreen

Expanding Ecosystem

Our next stretch goal will unlock a new Ecosystem token, giving players more variety and choice in how they grow their forest and what wildlife they attract. The ecosystem tokens are one of our favorite parts of Canopy: Evergreen as they impact your tree placement, plant choices, and foraging wildlife.

Growing the Forest

As we approach the final days of the Canopy: Evergreen campaign, we're excited to add the final touches to the game and start the manufacturing process to bring it to your tables as soon as possible. To help our forest keep growing during the Kickstarter finale, we would love it if you could share it with your boardgaming friends or on social media. We’re a small indie publisher and we are so thankful to you all for bringing our games to life. Thank you for helping us grow!

Tim and the Weird Citizens