
Canopy: Evergreen

Created by Weird City Games

Grow a bountiful forest in this beautiful standalone game of card drafting and set collection based in the Pacific Northwest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Canopy Evergreen PPC is in Production
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 09:19:03 AM

Hello, amazing Canopy Evergreen backers!

We hope this message finds you surrounded by the cozy warmth of a thousand tree hugs. 🌳 We're here to sprinkle a little bit of forest magic and share some exciting news – we're currently in the process of creating the pre-production copy of Canopy Evergreen!

Imagine our game as a tiny seedling, and this pre-production copy (PPC) is like watering and nurturing it until it's ready to bloom into a full-fledged gaming tree. 🌱🎲 This means we're getting our hands on a trial version of the game – the beta-tester tree, if you will. It's the phase where we scrutinize every leaf, branch, and root to make sure it's as resilient as an oak and as delightful as a field of wildflowers.

We expect to receive the PPC sometime in early February and will share an update with images of all the components and let you know how it is looking. If everything is looking good, we'll be ready to have the factory start mass production. If needed, we'll update any files, request any needed changes and then be ready to start printing.

After we approve the PPC, we gear up for mass production, getting our game ready to visit living rooms and tabletops everywhere. It's like we're sending our little tree off to join a whole forest of gaming greatness. We're branching out into the gaming world, and it's all thanks to you! 

Here’s a look at our current schedule:

  • PPC Approved By: February 21st
  • Begin Mass Production: March 1st
  • End Mass Production: May 10th
  • Games Shipped Overseas: June 1st

We'll keep you in the loop with updates, sneak peeks, and maybe a few tree-related jokes along the way. After all, what did one tree say to another? "Leaf me alone, I'm branching out!" 😄

Thank you for being the roots of Canopy Evergreen. Your support has been essential for the creation of Canopy Evergreen, and we can't thank you enough! 🙌

Tree-mendous regards,

Tim and the Weird Citizens!


Thank you Proofers, PAXU, and Production Update!
10 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 09:47:47 AM

Hello Canopy: Evergreen Backers!

First off, we want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped proof the rulebook and cards! After reviewing hundreds of comments and updating the files, the rulebook and cards are now much easier to read and understand. You caught many errors both big and small and we are extremely grateful for your help improving Canopy: Evergreen. 


At the start of the month, Weird City Games attended PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia. It was a great show and we were able to introduce a ton of gamers to Canopy, Canopy: Evergreen and Leaf and share our work in producing games more sustainably. It was our first time having a booth at a big convention and it was very exciting to share our games with so many people. Let us know what your favorite conventions are and maybe we'll see you there!

Production Update

We are finalizing all of the production files this week. Once we finish proofing them, we'll pass them off to our manufacturer (Panda Games) early next week. Earlier this month we sent in samples of the tree sections and Panda is currently working on printing a sample so that we have plenty of time to test them to make sure they are fully functional and look as awesome as possible. 

Once the files are submitted, Panda will review them and we'll likely need to make a few edits based on their feedback. Then, Panda will prepare the digital proof for us to review. Once approved, they'll begin work on the PPC (pre-production copy). This will be a physical sample that is very close to the final version of the game, but is made by hand and does not use the same machines as mass production. Once the PPC is approved, we will be ready to start mass production!

Estimated Timeline:

  • December 2023: File submission and review
  •  January 2024: Final Files approved by manufacturer.
  •  February 2024: Manufacturer prints Pre-Production Copy (PPC) and ships to us for approval.
  •  March 2024: PPC approved, production begins.
  •  April 2024: Production continues.
  •  May 2024: Production finishes, games are ready to ship, games on boats
  •  June 2024: Games on boats.
  •  July 2024: Games arrive at fulfillment centers. Begin shipping to backers.
  •  August 2024: Canopy: Evergreen arrives!

We're feeling good about our current timeline. We've built in extra time to account for the Chinese New Year holiday and any unexpected hiccups or delays. As always, we'll keep you up-to-date on any changes that occur. We'll also share photos of the game throughout the production process. 

Thank you and we'll be back in the New Year with another update for Canopy: Evergreen!

Tim and the Weird City Crew!

BackerKit Surveys Coming Next Week! ✏️
12 months ago – Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 06:55:17 AM

Dear Forest Friends,

We're here to share some important news regarding the future fulfillment of your Canopy: Evergreen Kickstarter rewards. We're gearing up to send BackerKit surveys next week, which will help us collect all the necessary information to ensure a smooth delivery process (including that very important shipping address). Delivery is still a ways off and is expected to take place next summer. To keep you informed and answer any potential questions, we've included a brief Q&A section in this update.

Q: When will I receive my BackerKit survey?

A: 5% of backers will receive their survey today (a smoke test - more on that below), and the remaining backers will receive their surveys on Monday, Nov. 6th. Please keep an eye on your email inbox for the survey notification. Be sure to double-check your spam folder if you don’t see it by Monday!

Note: If you signed up with an Apple email address, these addresses use encryption, so we don't have access to send messages to your actual email address. Email us with an alternative email at [email protected] and we’ll make sure you get yours!

Q: BackerKit Smoke Test: What is it?

A: A Smoke Test is a crucial step in the survey distribution process. It's a way to send surveys to 5% of backers from each pledge level in our campaign. This test helps us identify and fix any potential issues or errors that may arise, ensuring that everything runs smoothly when we send out the surveys to the rest of our backers on Monday.

Q: How do I find my BackerKit survey?

A: If you accidentally deleted the email containing your BackerKit survey, you can recover your survey by going to Backerkit’s survey recovery page. Enter Canopy: Evergreen for the project and then the email address you used to pledge on your crowdfunding platform.

Q: When are my rewards shipping?

A: We plan to begin shipping all rewards in Summer 2024. We’ll send out monthly updates to keep everyone informed on our progress!

Q: How do I choose the local pickup option if I'm in Portland, OR?

A: This one's a bit tricky! On the first page of the survey, you'll need to choose the local pickup option from the country list dropdown. When you reach the address section, you can then put 'N/A' in all other fields. We’ll reach out closer to fulfillment to let you know about the time and place!

Q: I have a question not listed here.

A: Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Manufacturing Update

We're currently hard at work finalizing the project files for our manufacturer. Our team is meticulously combing over every detail to ensure that everything is just right. Your support and patience have been awesome, and we're dedicated to delivering a product that exceeds your expectations. :)

We appreciate your continued support, and we're excited to bring Canopy: Evergreen to your doorstep. Stay tuned for your BackerKit survey in the coming days, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!

The Weird City Team

Actual Timeline with Correct Dates
about 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 12:29:12 PM

Hi Canopy Backer!

My apologies for sending out the dates for the totally wrong year in the previous update. We have not built a time machine so here are the actual correct dates for the timeline that we are shooting for.  Sorry for flooding your inbox with double updates. 

Project Timeline

Our estimated timeline for final development, manufacturing and fulfillment of Canopy: Evergreen is below.  We will do our best to follow this timeline, and will update you with our progress.

  • November 2023: Final development and final graphic design and prepping files for printing.
  • December 2023: Game design locked, finalize rulebook, submit files to printer.
  • January 2024: Final Files approved by manufacturer.
  • February 2024: Manufacturer prints Pre-Production Copy (PPC) and ships to us for approval.
  • March 2024: PPC approved, production begins.
  • April 2024: Production continues.
  • May 2024: Production finishes, games are ready to ship, games on boats
  • June 2024: Games on boats.
  • July 2024: Games arrive at fulfillment centers. Begin shipping to backers.
  • August 2024: Canopy: Evergreen arrives!

We are excited to get this game made and will keep you up-to-date along the way! We'll have another update in 2 weeks when the pledge manager opens. Until then, if you have any questions feel free to message us through Kickstarter or email us at info (at)

Thank you!

Tim and the Weird Citizens

Canopy: Evergreen Timeline and Production Plan
about 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 11:31:29 AM

Hi Canopy Friends!

After a nice restful weekend away from the computer, we're excited to get this game rolling on through final development, pledge management, pre-production proofing, manufacturing, shipping and onto your tables!

Update Plan

Our plan is to update you at least once each month. We'll also update you more frequently when we have important news to share regarding pledge management or shipping. Once we get into the thick of manufacturing, it will likely be uneventful for a month or two, but we'll still post an update to keep you all informed of the game's progress.

Pledge Manager

Kickstarter requires a two-week period to gather the project's funds. Once these funds have been successfully disbursed, we will unlock the pledge manager for our backers. An update will be sent out to notify you of when the pledge manager becomes accessible. You can also expect an email directly from Backerkit, our pledge management partner, containing detailed instructions on how to access and manage your pledge.

In the Backerkit pledge manager, you will need to fill in your shipping information, pay for shipping and any taxes based on your country of residence. You will also be able to select add-ons or purchase additional copies of the game.

Project Timeline

Our estimated timeline for final development, manufacturing and fulfillment of Canopy: Evergreen is below.  We will do our best to follow this timeline, and will update you with our progress.

  •  November 2023: Final development and final graphic design and prepping files for printing.
  •  December 2023: Game design locked, finalize rulebook, submit files to printer.
  •  January 2024: Final Files approved by manufacturer. 
  •  February 2024: Manufacturer prints Pre-Production Copy (PPC) and ships to us for approval.
  •  March 2024: PPC approved, production begins.
  •  April 2024: Production continues.
  •  May 2024: Production finishes, games are ready to ship, games on boats
  •  June 2024: Games on boats.
  •  July 2024: Games arrive at fulfillment centers. Begin shipping to backers.
  •  August 2024: Canopy: Evergreen arrives!

We are excited to get this game made and will keep you up-to-date along the way! We'll have another update in 2 weeks when the pledge manager opens. Until then, if you have any questions feel free to message us through Kickstarter or email us at info (at)

Thank you!

Tim and the Weird Citizens